The Power of Zooming out

photography of person holding black camera lens

If you are a human, odds are you are bound to make mistakes in your life. When stuff like this happens, it can be very debilitating . You feel inferior, insecure and sometimes just plain stupid. “Worry” becomes the predominant emotion at this time.

What has helped me in such situations is the gift of perspective and zooming out of the situation. I learned this trick from Robin Sharma. When we are too close too a situation- it seems a huge disaster that we are unable to overcome. But when we try to zoom out and look at things from a distance, we are able to see it for what its worth.

Here are a few questions to help you put things in perspective.

Did someone die? [ Extreme Gravity of the Impact]

Will this matter 10 years from now? [Extreme Distance from the event

When you look at your mistakes from these lenses and try to compare it – either with a serious impact such as death Or a really long time perspective- you start to see that the thing you are bothered about seems very tiny in comparison.

I use the time distance question a lot and if something its not going to matter in ten years, then its only a matter of time before it passes.

So next time you make a mistake or are worried about a situation, try Zooming out, comparing them from a different lens and pretty soon you will return to a much better mental space.

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